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Step 1

Start page

Enter the URL in this field to start downloading the project from. For example: http://www.surfoffline.com/order/ or ftp://ftp.someserver.com/ or https://www.somesecureserver.com

Project name

This name is displayed in the project tree.

Step 2

Depth level. Shows how deep from the start page the links will be downloaded.
For example:
The page A refers to the pages B and C.

  • "Start page only (level 0)" — only the page A will be downloaded together with all its images, javascript, css.
  • "Start page and [1] level(s)" — the pages A, B, C will be downloaded together with all their images, javascript, css
  • "All levels" — the pages A, B, C will be downloaded together with all the pages linked to them no matter how deep the link will lead. Thus, "All levels" should be selected only when you have specified restrictions in the URL filters, for example, limit downloading to the "Start host", in this case the entire web site you specify will be downloaded

Step 3

Select the file types to be downloaded.

Step 4

  • "Download the project right now" — save the project and start downloading
  • "Postpone the project download" — just save the project.
  • "Setup advanced options" — save the project and open the Project properties window

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Date: July 27, 2024